Best Unbiased Estimator for Trend& A Method of Getting Trend of Digital Elevation Model This paper proposed an algorithm for finding critical value of normal population variance under unbiassed tests with uniform dominance. 数字高程模型中求趋势的一种方法&无偏最优求趋势法本文给出了求正态总体方差的一致最优化无偏检验的临界值的算法。
Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population of selected database entries This paper proposed an algorithm for finding critical value of normal population variance under unbiassed tests with uniform dominance. 以数据库选定项(指定字段中满足给定条件的数据项)作为样本总体,计算数据的标准偏差本文给出了求正态总体方差的一致最优化无偏检验的临界值的算法。
This paper proposed an algorithm for finding critical value of normal population variance under unbiassed tests with uniform dominance. 本文给出了求正态总体方差的一致最优化无偏检验的临界值的算法。
Due to the varying population density, the communities of satellite users exhibit a significant variance in its density over the Globe. 由于人口分布不均匀,全球卫星用户群分布差异较大。
Results Formulas for the estimation of the population proportions and its variance on additive model for quantitative sensitive question survey were deduced. 结果推导出数量特征敏感问题加法模型二阶段抽样调查总体均值的估计量及其方差、估计方差的计算公式。
Closed nucleus breeding in a small population inevitably result in inbreeding and decreasing of genetic variance. 小群体的闭锁选育不可避免产生近交及遗传方差下降,导致近期与远期选择效果的矛盾。
Selection of the Sample Quantity in Estimating Population Variance 估计总体方差时样本容量的选取
Defects and Improvement of Current Methodology in Hypothesis Testing for a Single Population Mean under Normal Distribution and Known Population Variance 总体方差已知条件下单个正态总体均值假设检验现行方法的缺陷与改进
It has been proved that the maximization of the likelihood of the conditional distribution of the conditional distribution of the population mixture model under the assumption of Normal distributions with a common variance is equivalent to Otsu's thresholding. 假设灰度直方图服从正态分布且二个子分布的方差相等,基于条件分布的最大相关原则等价于Otsu阈值分割方法。
On this basis, Mathematics circle give rational thinking and study of different sample methods In the real work and obtain the conclusion: The variance of the sample is that population variance has no estimator of leaning towards in sampling unrestrictedly and Simple random sampling. 在此基础上数学界将实际工作中各种可能始点的抽样方法赋予理性思考、研究,获得结论:无限制抽样和简单随机抽样条件下样本方差是总体方差的无偏估计量。
Comparision the Some Estimators of the Normal Population Variance 正态总体方差几类估计量的比较
Scholars introduced different opinions on urbanization from different points of view such as resource configuration, urban-rural relationship and population variance. 学者们从不同的视角提出了不同的理解,有人从资源配置界定人口城市化,有人从城乡关系界定人口城市化,也有人从人口变迁界定人口城市化。
Research on Check for Multi-Population Variance 多总体方差检验之探讨
Prom a incomplete dialled design on 11 quantitative characters of the F2 population of 12 wheat crosses, we had estimated the genetic variance components, degree of dominance and heritability. 以7个小麦品种采用不完整双列杂交(3×4)配成12个杂交组合,对F2杂种的株高等11个数量性状估算了遗传变异组成、平均显性度和遗传力等参数。
A kind of nonlinear regression estimator for limited Population is given and the quality and the sampling variance about is discussed. 对有限总体在不放回抽样的方法下,构造了一类非线性回归估计量,讨论了它的性质及其有关抽样误差。
The single and comprehensive factors including the free amino acids, sucrose, content of water in wheat, temperature and light that influence the population density on Rhopalosiphum padi were studied according to theory of variance and path net. 运用回归分析、通径分析和网络理论探讨了小麦植株体内氨基酸、蔗糖、水分和温度、光照等因子对禾谷缢管蚜种群数量及其胚胎数的单个影响和综合作用。
The dynamics of spatial distribution pattern of plant population has also been monitored with improved method of quadrat variance. 还采用改进的样方方差法监测植物种群空间分布格局的动态。
This paper deals with a test method of multiple normal population means as supposed constants of teh same independent variance The method is simple and efficient. 本文绐出一种关于多个独立同方差正态总体均值为指定常数的检验方法,该方法简单且功效高。
Studies on Modified S_1 Progenies Recurrent Selection in Maize Population Improvement ⅱ. Genetic variance, combining ability and heterosis 改良S1后代轮回选择在玉米群体改良中应用的研究Ⅱ.群体方差、配合力及杂交优势
Abstract In this paper the pressing criterion of appreciation estimator was presented. and the property of maximum likelihood estimator of normal population variance σ 2 and uniformly distributed parameter θ was discussed. 本文提出评价估计量的贴近标准,并用该标准讨论了正态分布总体方差σ2及均匀分布参数θ的极大似然估计的一些性质。
In this paper, We give the sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance and analyze the asymptotically normal characteristic of the sample breakdown point. 本文给出了总体方差矩估计检验的样本崩溃点,并分析了该样本崩溃点的渐近正态性。
In this paper the method of double sampling is applied to PPS Sampling. We present a unbiased estimator of population total in the method and discuss the variance of the estimator and unbiased estimator of the variance. 本文把双重抽样技术用于PPS抽样,给出了该方法下总体总值的无偏估计量,估计量的方差及方差的无偏估计公式。
With the changes of grazing intensity, the dominant status of main plant population would be variance. 随牧压梯度的变化,群落主要植物种群的优势地位发生变化。
We also suggested some estimators of population mean, developing rate and total increasing amount and the mean and variance of the suggested estimators are obtained by the basic theorem. 文中还提出了若干总体均值、发展速度和增长量的估计量,并由基本定理点出了这些估计量的均值和方差。
The sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance 总体方差矩估计检验的样本崩溃点
Population genetical structure, variance, differentiation, adaptation and its relations to environments, ecotypes and their genetic background, and polymorphism, etc. are chiefly researched in genetical ecology. 遗传生态学主要集中在种群遗传结构,变异、分化、适应及其与环境的关系,生态型及其遗传基础,多态性等。
Compared with other ways of population improvement, Mass selection can not only preserve genetic variance within populations, but also prevent from inbreeding depression. 在群体改良方案中,混合选择法既可以保持群体内的遗传变异,又可以防止近交衰退。
Based on this, the author summarizes population statistics information and carries out analysis of variance to discuss the difference of the averages in the variable dimension in different property groups. 在此基础上,笔者汇总了人口统计资料,并借助方差分析探讨不同属性的群体在各变量维度上平均值的差异。
Sampling technology theory was combined with the theory of RRT in this study, and formulae were deduced for the estimator of the population proportion and its estimated variance for eight RRT model used for sensitive questions survey in two-stage sampling. 2. 结果:一、本研究中将抽样技术理论和随机应答技术的理论相结合,推导出二阶段抽样方法下八种RRT模型调查敏感问题时总体比例的估计量及其方差计算公式。
Normal distribution is a distribution which is widely applied in statistics. The parameters of normal population about mean and variance are particularly important. It is a wide range of outlook and universal in production and practice. 正态分布是一种应用广泛的重要统计分布,其中参数均值和方差尤为重要,在生产和实践中具有广泛的应用前景和普适性。